Abstract | 第7-8页 |
摘要 | 第9-11页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第11-15页 |
1.1 Research Background | 第11-13页 |
1.1.1 The “Cultural Turn”in Translation Studies | 第11-12页 |
1.1.2 The Introduction to and Influence of Stream-of-consciousness Novels | 第12-13页 |
1.1.3 The Translation Situation Concerning Stream-of-consciousness Novels | 第13页 |
1.2 Research Objective | 第13-14页 |
1.3 Research Significance | 第14-15页 |
Chapter Two Literature Review | 第15-26页 |
2.1 Researches on Stream-of-consciousness Novels | 第15-18页 |
2.2 Researches on the Translation of Stream-of-consciousness Novels | 第18-22页 |
2.2.1 Researches on the General Translation Situation of Stream-of-consciousness Novels | 第18页 |
2.2.2 Researches on the Translation of The Sound and the Fury | 第18-20页 |
2.2.3 Researches on the Translation of Ulysses | 第20-22页 |
2.3 Researches on the Application of the Manipulation Theory | 第22-26页 |
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation | 第26-32页 |
3.1 The Manipulation School | 第26-27页 |
3.2 Main points of the Manipulation Theory | 第27页 |
3.3 Three Factors in the Manipulation Theory | 第27-32页 |
3.3.1 Ideology | 第28页 |
3.3.2 Poetics | 第28-30页 |
3.3.3 Patronage | 第30-32页 |
Chapter Four Research Design | 第32-34页 |
4.1 Research Questions | 第32页 |
4.2 Research Method | 第32页 |
4.3 Data Collection | 第32-34页 |
Chapter Five The Correlation of the Translation of English stream-of-consciousness Novels with Ideology and Poetics | 第34-46页 |
5.1 The Translation of English Stream-of-consciousness Novels | 第34-37页 |
5.1.1 The Translation During the First Period | 第34-35页 |
5.1.2 The Translation During the Second Period | 第35页 |
5.1.3 The Translation During the Third Period | 第35-37页 |
5.2 The Ideology and Poetics During the First Period | 第37-39页 |
5.2.1 The Ideology | 第37-38页 |
5.2.2 The Poetics | 第38页 |
5.2.3 The Discussion of the Correlation of the Translation with Ideology and Poetics | 第38-39页 |
5.3 The Ideology and Poetics During the Second Period | 第39-42页 |
5.3.1 The Ideology | 第39-40页 |
5.3.2 The Poetics | 第40-41页 |
5.3.3 The Discussion of the Correlation of the Translation with Ideology and Poetics | 第41-42页 |
5.4 The Ideology and Poetics During the Third Period | 第42-44页 |
5.4.1 The Ideology | 第42页 |
5.4.2 The Poetics | 第42-43页 |
5.4.3 The Discussion of the Correlation of the Translation with Ideology and Poetics | 第43-44页 |
5.5 Summary | 第44-46页 |
Chapter Six The Influence of Ideology and Poetics on the Chinese Versions of Ulysses and The Sound and the Fury | 第46-64页 |
6.1 The Adding of Notes in the Chinese Versions of Ulysses and The Sound and the Fury | 第47-58页 |
6.1.1 Notes about the Introductions to Characters | 第47-51页 |
6.1.2 Notes about the Explanation of Time-space Shift | 第51-53页 |
6.1.3 Notes about the Explanation of the Plots | 第53-58页 |
6.2 The Use of the Technique of Addition | 第58-60页 |
6.3 The Use of Punctuation | 第60-61页 |
6.4 The Language Style | 第61-62页 |
6.5 Summary | 第62-64页 |
Chapter Seven Conclusions and Limitations | 第64-66页 |
7.1 Conclusions | 第64-65页 |
7.2 Limitations | 第65-66页 |
References | 第66-72页 |
Acknowledgements | 第72页 |