Abstract in English | 第10-11页 |
Abstract in Chinese | 第12-14页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第14-19页 |
1.1 Research background | 第14-16页 |
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study | 第16-17页 |
1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis | 第17-19页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第19-37页 |
2.1 Definition of Key Terms | 第19-25页 |
2.1.1 Vowels | 第19-20页 |
2.1.2 English Diphthongs | 第20-22页 |
2.1.3 Formants of Vowels | 第22-23页 |
2.1.4 Contrast among English diphthongs, Mandarin Chinese and Chinese Dialects | 第23-25页 |
2.2 Theoretical Framework | 第25-29页 |
2.2.1 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis | 第25-27页 |
2.2.2 Speech Learning Model | 第27-28页 |
2.2.3 Language Transfer Theory | 第28-29页 |
2.3 Relevant Studies at Home and Abroad | 第29-36页 |
2.3.1 Relevant Studies Abroad | 第29-33页 | Studies on Perception and Production of English Speech by Non-Chinese Native Speakers Abroad | 第29-31页 | Studies on Perception and Production of English Speech by Chinese Native Speakers Abroad | 第31-33页 |
2.3.2 Relevant Studies at Home | 第33-36页 | Non-empirical Studies on Perception and Production of English Speech at Home | 第33-34页 | Empirical Studies on Perception and Production of English Speech at Home | 第34-36页 |
2.4 Focus of the Present Study | 第36-37页 |
Chapter 3 Research Methodology | 第37-42页 |
3.1 Research Questions | 第37页 |
3.2 Research Design | 第37-42页 |
3.2.1 Subjects | 第37-38页 |
3.2.2 Materials | 第38页 |
3.2.3 Data Collection | 第38-39页 |
3.2.4 Data Analysis | 第39-42页 |
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion | 第42-89页 |
4.1 The Perception and Production Results of English Diphthongs by Chinese College EFL Students | 第42-49页 |
4.1.1 Perception of English Diphthongs | 第42-46页 |
4.1.2 Production of English Diphthongs | 第46-48页 |
4.1.3 Best and Worst Perceived and Produced English Diphthongs by Chinese College EFL Students | 第48-49页 |
4.2 Acoustic Features of the English Diphthongs produced by Chinese College EFL Students | 第49-87页 |
4.2.1 Formant Features of English Diphthongs | 第49-72页 |
4.2.2 Durational Features of English Diphthongs | 第72-87页 |
4.3 Correlation of Perception with Production of English Diphthongs by Chinese College EFL Students | 第87-89页 |
Chapter 5 Conclusion | 第89-96页 |
5.1 Major findings | 第89-92页 |
5.2 Implications | 第92-93页 |
5.2.1 Theoretical Implications | 第92-93页 |
5.2.2 Pedagogical Implications | 第93页 |
5.3 Limitations and suggestions | 第93-96页 |
5.3.1 Limitations of This Study | 第93-94页 |
5.3.2 Suggestions for Future Research | 第94-96页 |
Bibliography | 第96-102页 |
Appendixes | 第102-104页 |
Appendix I: Perception Test | 第102-103页 |
Appendix II: Carrier Words for Production Test | 第103-104页 |
Acknowledgements | 第104-105页 |
Main Works and Achievements | 第105页 |