Abstract | 第5-6页 |
摘要 | 第7-11页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第11-14页 |
1.1 Purpose of the Study | 第11页 |
1.2 Significance of the Study | 第11-12页 |
1.3 Organization of the Thesis | 第12页 |
1.4 Creativity of the Study | 第12-14页 |
Chapter Two Literature Review | 第14-29页 |
2.1 Relevant Studies on Second Language Vowels at Home and Abroad | 第14-17页 |
2.1.1 Traditional Studies on Second Language Vowels Abroad | 第14-15页 |
2.1.2 Experimental Studies on Second Language Vowels Abroad | 第15-17页 |
2.2 Relevant Studies on Second Language Vowels at Home | 第17-18页 |
2.2.1 Traditional Studies on Second Language Vowels at Home | 第17页 |
2.2.2 Experimental Studies on Second Language Vowels at Home | 第17-18页 |
2.3 Relevant Studies of Dialect Influence on Second Language Vowels | 第18-21页 |
2.3.1 The Studies of Dialect Influence on Second Language Vowels Abroad | 第18-19页 |
2.3.2 The Studies of Dialect Influence on Second Language Vowels at Home | 第19-21页 |
2.4 Characteristics of Chifeng Dialect | 第21-25页 |
2.4.1 Syllabic Structure of Chifeng Dialect | 第22-23页 |
2.4.2 Sound System of Chifeng Dialect | 第23-25页 |
2.5 The Comparison of Vowel Systems between RP and Chifeng Dialect | 第25-29页 |
2.5.1 Brief Introduction of RP | 第25-27页 |
2.5.2 The Similarity and Difference between the Vowels in Chifeng Dialect and RP | 第27-29页 |
Chapter Three Theoretic Framework | 第29-32页 |
3.1 Transfer of the L1 Phonology to L2 | 第29-30页 |
3.2 Phonetic Contrast between L1 and L2 | 第30-31页 |
3.3 Phonetic Error Analysis | 第31-32页 |
Chapter Four Research Methodology | 第32-35页 |
4.1 Research Questions | 第32页 |
4.2 Research Design | 第32页 |
4.3 Materials | 第32-33页 |
4.4 Subjects | 第33页 |
4.5 Instruments | 第33页 |
4.6 Data Collection | 第33-34页 |
4.7 Procedures | 第34-35页 |
Chapter Five Results and Discussion | 第35-61页 |
5.1 Results for English Monophthongs | 第35-45页 |
5.1.1 Formants of English Monophthongs Collected from the Native Speaker and the Subjects' Recording | 第35-37页 | Formants of English Monophthongs Collected from the Native Speaker | 第35-36页 | Formants of English Monophthongs Collected from the Subjects | 第36-37页 |
5.1.2 Time Duration of English Monophthongs Collected from the Native Speaker and the Subjects' Recording | 第37-40页 | Time Duration of English Monophthongs from the Native Speaker | 第37-38页 | Time Duration of English Monophthongs Collected from the Subj ects' Recording | 第38-40页 |
5.1.3 Comparison of English Monophthongs between Subjects and the Native Speaker | 第40-45页 | Comparison of Formants Frequencies | 第40-42页 | Comparison of the Formant Chart | 第42-44页 | Comparison of the Time Duration (Length) | 第44-45页 |
5.2 Discussion for English Monophthongs | 第45-49页 |
5.2.1 Discussion of the Formant Chart | 第45-47页 |
5.2.2 Discussion of the Time Duration (Length) | 第47-48页 |
5.2.3 Summary | 第48-49页 |
5.3 Results for English Diphthongs | 第49-55页 |
5.3.1 Time Duration (Length) of English Diphthongs Collected from the Native Speaker | 第49页 |
5.3.2 Time Duration (Length) of English Diphthongs Collected from the Subjects | 第49-53页 |
5.3.3 Comparison of English Diphthongs between Subjects and the Native Speaker in Terms of the Time Duration | 第53-55页 | Comparison of the First Vowel Segment | 第53页 | Comparison of the Second Vowel Segment | 第53-54页 | Comparison of the Gliding Process | 第54-55页 |
5.3.4 Comparison of the Total Length | 第55页 |
5.4 Discussion for English Diphthongs | 第55-61页 |
5.4.1 Discussion of the Time Duration (Length) | 第55-59页 |
5.4.2 Summary | 第59-61页 |
Chapter Six Conclusion | 第61-66页 |
6.1 Major Findings | 第61-63页 |
6.2 Pedagogical Implication | 第63-65页 |
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research | 第65-66页 |
Bibliography | 第66-69页 |
Appendix 1 | 第69-70页 |
攻读学位期间取得的研究成果 | 第70-71页 |
Acknowledgements | 第71页 |