Acknowledgements | 第1-6页 |
摘要 | 第6-7页 |
Abstract | 第7-10页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第10-20页 |
·Morrison and Kingston | 第10-13页 |
·Sula and The Woman Warrior | 第13-16页 |
·Female Bildungsroman | 第16-20页 |
Chapter 2 Multiple Oppressions and Confusion under Dual Cultures | 第20-30页 |
·Racism, Sexism and Classism | 第20-26页 |
·Confusion in Self-definition | 第26-30页 |
Chapter 3 Quest for Identity and Growth | 第30-55页 |
·Roles of Mentors in Growth | 第30-38页 |
·Sula:Influenced by Eva and Hannah | 第31-33页 |
·Nel:Influenced by Helene | 第33-34页 |
·The Narrator:Influenced by her Female Relatives | 第34-38页 |
·Different Methods to Quest for Identity and Growth | 第38-51页 |
·Sula:Experimenting New Things | 第39-43页 |
·Nel:Adhering to Black Traditions | 第43-45页 |
·The Narrator:Recreating Mother's Stories | 第45-51页 |
·Cultural Integration | 第51-55页 |
·Sula:Combining American Individualism and Values of Black Community | 第51-53页 |
·The Woman Warrior: Integrating Chinese Culture with American Culture | 第53-55页 |
Chapter 4 Revising Traditions of the Bildungsroman | 第55-66页 |
·Emphasizing the Repressed Memory | 第55-58页 |
·Employing Anti-Bildungsroman | 第58-63页 |
·Stressing the Process instead of Product of the Bildung | 第63-66页 |
Chapter 5 Conclusion | 第66-69页 |
Works Cited | 第69-73页 |
攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果 | 第73页 |