Acknowledgements | 第1-5页 |
Abstract | 第5-9页 |
摘要 | 第9-16页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第16-25页 |
·Motivation and Objectives of the Present Study | 第16-18页 |
·Explanations of Some Terms in the Thesis | 第18-22页 |
·Politics, Texts and Chinese Political Texts | 第18-21页 |
·Culture, Domestication and Foreignization | 第21-22页 |
·Methods of Current Study | 第22-23页 |
·Organization of the Thesis | 第23-25页 |
Chapter Two Literature Review | 第25-35页 |
·Linguistics-Oriented Approach | 第25-27页 |
·Function-Oriented Approach | 第27-29页 |
·Sociocognitive Theory of Genre | 第29-30页 |
·Fidelity-Oriented Principle | 第30-32页 |
·Stylistics-Oriented Approach | 第32页 |
·Functional Equivalence Translation Theory | 第32-33页 |
·Summary | 第33-35页 |
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework | 第35-49页 |
·Studies on Hybrid and Hybridity in Non-Translation Fields | 第35-38页 |
·General Usages of the Notion “Hybrid” | 第35-36页 |
·Specific Studies on the Notion “Hybridity” | 第36-38页 |
·Hybridity in Translation Studies | 第38-47页 |
·Definition of a Hybrid Text | 第38-40页 |
·Expressions of Hybrid Texts | 第40-42页 |
·Reasons of Hybrid Texts | 第42-44页 |
·Functions of Hybrid Texts | 第44-47页 |
·Summary | 第47-49页 |
Chapter Four Expressions of Hybridity in the Translated Report | 第49-86页 |
·Foreignness of Culture | 第50-64页 |
·Addressing Terms | 第51-52页 |
·Terms about the State Polity and the Ruling Party | 第52-55页 |
·Terms about Ideological Guidelines of the Party | 第55-56页 |
·Terms in Concrete Spheres | 第56-63页 |
·Historically Political Terms | 第63-64页 |
·Foreignness of Language | 第64-75页 |
·Words and Phrases | 第64-65页 |
·Sentences | 第65-71页 |
·Overlong Coordinated Structures in the Translated Report | 第66-69页 |
·Preposed Adverbial Clauses in the Translated Report | 第69-71页 |
·Textual Structures | 第71-75页 |
·Parallel Structures | 第71-73页 |
·Repetition | 第73-75页 |
·Accessible Cultural Terms and Linguistic Expressions in the Translated Report | 第75-84页 |
·Cultural Terms | 第76页 |
·Linguistic Expressions | 第76-84页 |
·Words and Phrases | 第76-79页 |
·Sentences | 第79-82页 |
·Textual Structures | 第82-84页 |
·Statistics of Expressions with Foreignness in the Translated Report | 第84-85页 |
·Summary | 第85-86页 |
Chapter Five Reasons and Functions of Hybridity of the Translated Report | 第86-107页 |
·Reasons of Hybridity of the Translated Report | 第86-102页 |
·Internal Factors | 第87-97页 |
·Important Status of the Source Text in the Source Language and Culture | 第87-90页 |
·Stylistic Factors | 第90-97页 |
·External Factors | 第97-102页 |
·Ideological Factors | 第97-100页 |
·Factor of the Target Reader | 第100-102页 |
·Functions of the Hybrid Translated Report | 第102-105页 |
·Fulfilling the Need of Publicizing the Source Culture | 第103-104页 |
·Enriching the Target Language | 第104-105页 |
·Summary | 第105-107页 |
Chapter Six Conclusion | 第107-111页 |
Bibliography | 第111-118页 |
Appendix | 第118-136页 |