Acknowledgments | 第5-6页 |
中文摘要 | 第6-7页 |
Abstract | 第7-9页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第13-16页 |
1.1 Research Background | 第13-14页 |
1.2 Research Questions | 第14页 |
1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study | 第14-15页 |
1.4 Organization of the Thesis | 第15-16页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第16-25页 |
2.1 Process-oriented Translation Studies | 第16-17页 |
2.2 An Overview of Process-oriented Translation Studies | 第17-19页 |
2.3 Translation Revision | 第19-25页 |
2.3.1 Definition and Classification of Translation Revision | 第19-21页 |
2.3.2 Self-revisions in Different Translation Phases | 第21页 |
2.3.3 Linguistic Levels Where Self-revisions Occur | 第21-22页 |
2.3.4 Empirical Studies Concerning Translation Self-revision | 第22-25页 |
Chapter 3 Methodology | 第25-31页 |
3.1 Subjects | 第25页 |
3.2 Experiment Tools | 第25-27页 |
3.2.1 Translog Program | 第26-27页 |
3.2.2 Post-translation Interview | 第27页 |
3.3 Chinese to English Translation Material | 第27-28页 |
3.4 Experiment Procedures | 第28-29页 |
3.4.1 Subject Training | 第28页 |
3.4.2 Experiment Warm-up | 第28页 |
3.4.3 The Final Experiment | 第28-29页 |
3.5 Data Elicitation and Analysis | 第29-31页 |
3.5.1 Data Elicitation | 第29-30页 |
3.5.2 Data Analysis | 第30-31页 |
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions | 第31-51页 |
4.1 Differences of the Distribution of Revising Efforts between Translators with Different Levels of Translation Expertise | 第31-42页 |
4.1.1 Comparing the Number of Revisions Made in the Drafting and Post-drafting Phase by Translators with Different Levels of Translation Expertise | 第31-33页 |
4.1.2 Comparing the Relative Proportion of Revisions in the Drafting and Post-drafting Phase by Translators with Different Levels of Translation Expertise | 第33-37页 |
4.1.3 Comparing the Characteristics of Revising Behaviors of Translators with Different Levels of Expertise in the Drafting Phase | 第37-40页 |
4.1.4 Comparing the Characteristics of Revising Behaviors of Translators with Different Levels of Expertise in the Post-drafting Phase | 第40-42页 |
4.2 Differences of the Distribution of Revisions at Various Linguistic Levels between Translators with Different Levels of Expertise | 第42-51页 |
4.2.1 Descriptive Statistics of the Distribution of Revisions in Terms of Linguistic Levels | 第42-45页 |
4.2.2 Comparing the Distribution of Revisions at Different Linguistic Levels between Translators with Different Levels of Translation Expertise | 第45-51页 |
Chapter 5 Conclusion | 第51-55页 |
5.1 Major Findings | 第51-52页 |
5.2 Implications | 第52-53页 |
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for the Future Studies | 第53-55页 |
References | 第55-59页 |
Appendix 1 Translation Test | 第59-60页 |
Appendix 2 Reference Translation of Translation Test | 第60-61页 |
Appendix 3 Basic Symbols of Linear Representation | 第61-62页 |
Appendix 4 Translation Process of the Subjects in Translog Program | 第62-79页 |
附件 | 第79页 |