中文摘要 | 第1-5页 |
Abstract | 第5-8页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第8-16页 |
·An Overview on Autonomous Learning Researches Abroad | 第8-10页 |
·Researches on Autonomous Learning at Home | 第10-14页 |
·Aims and Significance of the Study | 第14-15页 |
·Structure of the Thesis | 第15-16页 |
Chapter Two Concepts and Theories Involved in the Study | 第16-32页 |
·Autonomy | 第16-24页 |
·Theories Involved in the Study | 第24-32页 |
Chapter Three Research Description | 第32-38页 |
·Background and Objectives of the Study | 第32-34页 |
·Method | 第34-38页 |
Chapter Four Results and Discussions | 第38-62页 |
·The Results and Discussions of the Student Questionnaire | 第38-52页 |
·The Results and Discussions of the Teacher Questionnaire | 第52-62页 |
Chapter 5 Implications: The Appropriate Ways to Foster Autonomous Learning Ability | 第62-72页 |
·Setting up a Mode of Autonomous Learning Which Integrates Traditional Teaching | 第62-66页 |
·Enhancing Teacher Education | 第66-70页 |
·Creating a Favorable Environment for both Autonomous Learning and Teaching | 第70-72页 |
Conclusion | 第72-74页 |
Bibliography | 第74-78页 |
Appendix I | 第78-80页 |
Appendix II | 第80-84页 |
Acknowledgements | 第84-85页 |
Published Papers | 第85页 |