中文摘要 | 第1-4页 |
Abstract | 第4-9页 |
Abbreviations | 第9-10页 |
List of Tables | 第10-11页 |
Chapter 1 Introduction | 第11-13页 |
·Reasons for the Present Study | 第11页 |
·Purpose of the Present Study | 第11页 |
·Significance of the Present Study | 第11-12页 |
·Structure of the Thesis | 第12-13页 |
Chapter 2 Literature Review | 第13-22页 |
·Theoretical Foundation for ELM and ELA | 第13-14页 |
·Humanistic Learning Theories for ELM | 第13页 |
·Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis for ELA | 第13-14页 |
·Defining and Classifying English Learning Motivation | 第14-18页 |
·Definitions of English Learning Motivation | 第14-15页 |
·Classifications of English Learning Motivation | 第15-18页 |
·Integrative and Instrumental Motivation | 第15-16页 |
·Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation | 第16-17页 |
·Gao Yihong's Classification of Motivation | 第17-18页 |
·Defining and Classifying English Learning Anxiety | 第18-21页 |
·Definitions of English Learning Anxiety | 第18-19页 |
·Classifications of English Learning Anxiety | 第19-21页 |
·Communication Apprehension | 第19页 |
·Test Anxiety | 第19-20页 |
·Fear of Negative Evaluation | 第20-21页 |
·Brief Reviews of Researches on the Correlation Between ELM and ELA | 第21-22页 |
·Relevant Studies of the Correlation Between ELM and ELA Abroad | 第21页 |
·Relevant Studies of the Correlation Between ELM and ELA in China | 第21-22页 |
Chapter 3 Methodology | 第22-25页 |
·Subjects | 第22页 |
·Instruments | 第22-23页 |
·English Learning Motivation Questionnaire | 第22-23页 |
·English Learning Anxiety Questionnaire | 第23页 |
·Data | 第23-25页 |
·Data Collection | 第23-24页 |
·Data Analysis | 第24-25页 |
Chapter 4 Results,Findings and Analysis | 第25-45页 |
·An Overall Description of English Learning Motivation of NMU | 第25-33页 |
·Students' Preferences in Terms of ELM Included in the Questionnaire | 第26-33页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Intrinsic Interest Motivation | 第26-27页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Immediate Achievement Motivation | 第27-28页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Learning Situation Motivation | 第28-29页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Individual Development Motivation | 第29-30页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Information Medium Motivation | 第30-31页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Social Responsibility Motivation | 第31-32页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Going Abroad Motivation | 第32页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Certificate Motivation | 第32-33页 |
·An Overall Description of English Learning Anxiety of NMU | 第33-39页 |
·Students' Preferences in the Terms of ELA Included in the Questionnaire | 第34-39页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Communication Apprehension | 第34-35页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Test Anxiety | 第35-36页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' Fear of Negative Evaluation | 第36-37页 |
·Descriptive Analysis of Students' English Classroom Anxiety | 第37-39页 |
·Correlation Analysis Between Students' ELM and ELA | 第39-45页 |
·Correlation Analysis Between Communication Apprehension and ELM | 第40-42页 |
·Correlation Analysis Between Test Anxiety and ELM | 第42-43页 |
·Correlation Analysis Between Fear of Negative Evaluation and ELM | 第43-44页 |
·Correlation Analysis Between English Classroom Anxiety and ELM | 第44-45页 |
Chapter 5 Conclusion | 第45-53页 |
·Summary of the Major Findings | 第45页 |
·Pedagogical Implications | 第45-51页 |
·Recognizing One's ELM and ELA | 第47页 |
·Cultivating Students' Intrinsic Interest Motivation by Integrating Culture into Language Teaching | 第47-48页 |
·Making Proper Learning Assessment | 第48-49页 |
·Providing a Harmonious Teaching and Learning Environment | 第49-50页 |
·Building a Positive Self-concept | 第50-51页 |
·Limitation of the Present Study | 第51-52页 |
·Suggestions for Future Study | 第52-53页 |
Bibliography | 第53-56页 |
Appendices | 第56-60页 |
Appendix A | 第56-58页 |
Appendix B | 第58-60页 |
Publications During the Postgraduate Program | 第60-61页 |
Acknowledgements | 第61-62页 |