摘要 | 第1-6页 |
ABSTRACT | 第6-7页 |
Table of Contents | 第7-10页 |
List of Tables and Figures | 第10-12页 |
I.Introduction | 第12-19页 |
I.1.Statement of Intent | 第12-14页 |
I.2.Materials and Methods | 第14页 |
I.3.The Research Area | 第14-15页 |
I.4.Existing Local and International Research | 第15-16页 |
I.5.Significance of the Research | 第16-18页 |
I.6.Major Findings of the Research | 第18-19页 |
I.7.Limitations of the Research | 第19页 |
II.2.The Theory of Affordance: A Brief Introducti | 第19-26页 |
Ⅱ.1.What is Affordance? | 第19-21页 |
Ⅱ.2.Fundamental Properties of Affordances | 第21-23页 |
Ⅱ.3.Interpretation and Application of the Theory of Affordances | 第23-24页 |
Ⅱ.4.Categorization of Affordances | 第24-26页 |
PART ONE Constructing an Affordance-Based Conceptual Framework for Landscape architecture Architecture | 第26-99页 |
III.Constructing an Affordance-Based Conceptual Framework for LA | 第26-99页 |
III.1. A Search for Elements of the Conceptual Framework: Landscape Architecture | 第27-46页 |
III.1.1.The Nature of Man: Who...for whom | 第28-31页 |
III.1.2.The Nature of the Human Environment: What? | 第31-34页 |
III.1.3.The Nature of Place Making - Why? | 第34-38页 |
III.1.4.The Nature of Design Process: How? | 第38-46页 |
III.1.4.1 Input | 第39-41页 |
III.1.4.2:Process | 第41-45页 |
III.1.4.3:Output | 第45-46页 |
III.2.Landscape Architecture and the Theory of Affordance | 第46-92页 |
III.2.1 Affordance and Person-Environment System | 第46-51页 |
III.2.1.1:The Nature of Man - an ecological perspective | 第47-48页 |
III.2.1.2:Evolution and learning | 第48-49页 |
III.2.1.3:Organism-Environment Complementarity | 第49-50页 |
III.2.1.4:Features and properties | 第50-51页 |
III.2.2 Affordance, Sustainability and Participation | 第51-55页 |
III.2.3 Affordance and Niche | 第55-56页 |
III.2.4 Affordance, Representation and Meaning | 第56-60页 |
III.2.4.1:Meaning | 第56-57页 |
III.2.4.2:Landscape Aesthetics: Ecological Perspective | 第57-59页 |
III.2.4.3:Sociocultural Representations | 第59-60页 |
III.2.5 Affordance and Events | 第60-68页 |
III.2.5.1:Time and Event | 第60-61页 |
III.2.5.2:Invariants, Change and Affordances | 第61-62页 |
III.2.5.3:Landscape Constants | 第62-63页 |
III.2.5.4:Landscape Constants as Affordances | 第63-66页 |
III.2.5.5:Landscape Changes as Affordances | 第66-68页 |
III.2.6:Affordance and Design | 第68-92页 |
III.2.6.1:Function Vs Affordance | 第68页 |
III.2.6.2:Frameworks of Affordance-Based Design | 第68-72页 |
III.2.6.3:Affordance-Change LS Design Framework (A-Cha Framework) | 第72-78页 |
III.2.6.4:Affordance-Based Landscape Architectural Design Procedure | 第78-84页 |
III.2.6.5:Building Affordance Structure | 第84-86页 |
III.2.6.6:Adapting ASM for Landscape Design | 第86-92页 |
III.3.Potential Affordances as a Framework of Landscape Evaluation | 第92-99页 |
III.3.1 Affordance-Based Landscape Evaluation Tools | 第92-94页 |
III.3.2 Landscape-Affordance Structure Matrix (LS-ASM) | 第94-99页 |
III.3.2.1 Constructing the Matrix | 第94-97页 |
III.3.2.2 Populating the LS-ASM | 第97-99页 |
PART TWO Potential Affordances of Neighborhood Water-Features: the Case of Two Neighborhoods in Lin’an,China | 第99-128页 |
IV: Affordances of Neighborhood Play-Spaces | 第99-125页 |
IV.1: Play and Playground | 第99-109页 |
IV.1.1:Theory Dependence of Playgrounds | 第99-100页 |
IV.1.2:The Problem of Play Deprivation | 第100-102页 |
IV.1.3:Playgrounds:How Much Do We Know? | 第102-103页 |
IV.1.4:Childhood and Playgrounds in China | 第103-104页 |
IV.1.5:Qualities and Characteristics of Playground Design | 第104-108页 |
IV.1.5.1:Natural Play | 第105页 |
IV.1.5.2:Universal Design | 第105-106页 |
IV.1.5.3:Playground Safety | 第106页 |
IV.1.5.4:Learning Environments | 第106页 |
IV.1.5.5:Environmental Communication and Environmental Education | 第106-107页 |
IV.1.5.6:Child-friendly Environments | 第107-108页 |
IV.1.6:Playground Design Guidelines and Assessment Tools | 第108-109页 |
IV.2: Child Development | 第109-111页 |
IV.3: Neighborhoods and Children | 第111-114页 |
IV.3.1:The Increasing Importance of Neighborhoods | 第111-113页 |
IV.3.2:The Issue of Scale | 第113-114页 |
IV.4.Potential Affordances of Neighborhood Water Features for Children | 第114-125页 |
IV.4.1:Importance of Neighborhood Water-Settings | 第114-115页 |
IV.4.2:Evaluation of Neighborhood Water-Settings in Lin’an | 第115-125页 |
IV.4.2.1:LS-ASM for Evaluating Landscape Water-Settings | 第115-117页 |
IV.4.2.2:Wanma Yinghua (Oriental Cherry Mansion) Neighborhood | 第117-120页 |
IV.4.2.3:Ling-Long Hua Yuan | 第120-123页 |
IV.4.2.4:Analysis of the Evaluation Result | 第123-125页 |
V.Summary and Conclusion | 第125-128页 |
V.1.Summary | 第125-127页 |
V.2.Recommendations for Future Research | 第127-128页 |
References | 第128-136页 |
Appendixes | 第136-181页 |
Self and Advisor Introduction | 第181-183页 |
Acknowledgement | 第183页 |