摘要 | 第7-8页 |
ABSTRACT | 第8-11页 |
CHAPTER ONE Introduction | 第11-20页 |
·"The Family Trilogy":a Literature Review | 第11-14页 |
·Research Questions,Significance of Research and Thesis Statement | 第14-16页 |
·Theoretical Framework | 第16-20页 |
CHAPTER TWO Relocating the Self in Interaction with Western Culture:Chinese Father's Cultural Identity in PushingHands | 第20-32页 |
·When East Meets West | 第20-22页 |
·Interaction in a Diaspora Space | 第22-29页 |
·Home:An Imagined Community | 第29-32页 |
CHAPTER THREE Redefining the Self in Negotiation with Tradition:Chinese Father's Cultural Identity in The Wedding Banquet | 第32-41页 |
·When Heterosexuality Meets Homosexuality | 第32-34页 |
·Conflict in the Psychological Dimension | 第34-38页 |
·Home:A Negotiable Tradition | 第38-41页 |
CHAPTER FOUR Repositioning the Self in Relation to Women:Chinese Father's Cultural Identity in Eat Drink Woman | 第41-50页 |
·When Patriarchy Meets Feminism | 第41-42页 |
·Negotiation in the Familial Discourse | 第42-46页 |
·Home:An Active Return | 第46-50页 |
CHAPTER FIVE Conclusion | 第50-53页 |
NOTES | 第53-54页 |
WORKS CITED | 第54-56页 |