Chapter 1 Introduction | 第1-9页 |
Chapter 2 Translation Criticism in the Chinese Context | 第9-15页 |
·Impressionistic Approaches | 第9-11页 |
·Anecdotal Approaches | 第9-10页 |
·Yan Fu, Fu Lei and Qian Zhongshu | 第10-11页 |
·Linguistically-oriented Approaches | 第11-13页 |
·Is There Any Alternative? | 第13-15页 |
Chapter 3 Translation Criticism from a Functionalist Perspective | 第15-29页 |
·An Overview of Functionalist Approaches to Translation | 第15-16页 |
·Reflections on Two Basic Concepts in Translation Criticism | 第16-21页 |
·Towards a New Understanding of Text | 第16-19页 |
·Towards a New Understanding of Equivalence | 第19-21页 |
·'Adequacy' Proposed as the Criticism Norm | 第21-23页 |
·The Process of Translation Evaluation | 第23-27页 |
·About the Functionalist Approaches | 第27-29页 |
Chapter 4 A Case in Point-a Reevaluation of a Much-debated translation | 第29-40页 |
·Introductory Remarks | 第29-30页 |
·A Brief Introduction of Lin Shu's Rendition of Uncle Tom's Cabin(《黑奴吁天录》) | 第30-32页 |
·A Tentative Analysis of Lin's Strategy | 第32-35页 |
·Treatment of the Title and the Plot | 第32-33页 |
·Treatment of the Style | 第33-34页 |
·Treatment of Cultural Elements | 第34-35页 |
·Translation Skopos of Heinu Yu Tian Lu | 第35-36页 |
·A Reassessment of Lin's Strategy | 第36-40页 |
Chapter 5 Conclusion | 第40-42页 |
Appendix | 第42-43页 |
Bibliography | 第43-45页 |