Acknowledgements | 第3-5页 |
Abstract | 第5-9页 |
中文摘要 | 第10-26页 |
List of Abbreviations | 第26-27页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第27-30页 |
1.1 Motivation of the Study | 第27页 |
1.2 Significance of the Study | 第27-28页 |
1.3 Outline of the Study | 第28-30页 |
Chapter Two Literature Review | 第30-50页 |
2.1 Definition of Key Terms and Concepts | 第30-40页 |
2.1.1 Monophthongs in English | 第30-32页 |
2.1.2 Monophthongs in Mandarin | 第32-34页 |
2.1.3 Monophthongs in Tongtai Dialect | 第34-36页 |
2.1.4 Comparison of Monophthongs between English, Mandarin and TD | 第36-38页 |
2.1.5 Acoustic Features of Monophthongs | 第38-40页 |
2.2 Relevant Theoretical Studies | 第40-45页 |
2.2.1 Second Language Phonetic Acquisition Theory | 第40-41页 |
2.2.2 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis | 第41-42页 |
2.2.3 Error Analysis Hypothesis | 第42-43页 |
2.2.4 Language Transfer Theory | 第43页 |
2.2.5 Input Hypothesis | 第43-44页 |
2.2.6 Output Hypothesis | 第44页 |
2.2.7 Noticing Hypothesis | 第44-45页 |
2.3 Relevant Empirical Studies | 第45-48页 |
2.3.1 Main Studies Abroad | 第45-46页 |
2.3.2 Main Studies at Home | 第46-48页 |
2.4 Focus of the Present Study | 第48-50页 |
Chapter Three Methodology | 第50-57页 |
3.1 Research Questions | 第50页 |
3.2 Subjects | 第50-51页 |
3.3 Materials | 第51-52页 |
3.4 Data Collection | 第52-53页 |
3.5 Data Analysis | 第53-57页 |
Chapter Four Findings and Discussion | 第57-137页 |
4.1 Overall CPR of English Monophthongs Produced by EFLLs from TDD | 第57-61页 |
4.2 Acoustic Features of English Monophthongs Produced by EFLLs from TDD | 第61-130页 |
4.2.1 Formants of L2 English Monophthongs Compared to those Produced by RP Speakers | 第62-88页 |
4.2.2 Duration of L2 English Monophthongs Compared to those Produced by RP Speakers | 第88-95页 |
4.2.3 Acoustic Comparison of Similar Monophthongs in English, Mandarin and TD | 第95-130页 |
4.3 Typical Errors of English Monophthongs Produced by College EFLLs from TDD | 第130-137页 |
4.3.1 Deviated Pronunciation | 第131-132页 |
4.3.2 Complete Wrong Replacement of Pronunciation | 第132-133页 |
4.3.3 Typical Negative Effects of Mandarin and TD on L2 English Monophthongs | 第133-137页 |
Chapter Five Conclusion | 第137-145页 |
5.1 Major Findings | 第137-142页 |
5.2 Implications | 第142-143页 |
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions | 第143-145页 |
References | 第145-152页 |