摘要 | 第8-10页 |
ABSTRACT | 第10-11页 |
Table of Contents | 第12-16页 |
LIST OF TABLES | 第17-19页 |
LIST OF FIGURES | 第19-23页 |
CHAPTER 1: Introduction | 第23-37页 |
1. Research Significance, Status of Domestic and Foreign | 第23-37页 |
1.1 Research Significance | 第23-26页 |
1.2 Research Status | 第26-29页 |
1.2.1 The basis of research of the deep bridge foundation settlement | 第26-27页 |
1.2.2 Compressed layer thickness | 第27-28页 |
1.2.3 Settlement prediction of high-speed railway | 第28-29页 |
1.2.4 Automatic monitoring of the settlement of pile bridge technology | 第29页 |
1.3 Research topics at domestic and foreign | 第29-31页 |
1.4 The importance of research | 第31页 |
1.5 Settlements of Pile Groups | 第31-32页 |
1.6 Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway bridges project | 第32-33页 |
1.7 The theory and general concepts of the dissertation | 第33-34页 |
1.8 The main finding of the dissertation | 第34页 |
1.9 The innovative findings | 第34-35页 |
1.10 Organization of the Dissertation | 第35-37页 |
CHAPTER 2: The Theory and Testing Program | 第37-83页 |
2.1 Main Contents and Methods of Research | 第37-38页 |
2.1.1 Main content | 第37页 |
2.1.2 Main methods research | 第37-38页 |
2.2 Geological conditions of Beijing-Shanghai project | 第38-48页 |
2.3 Site location in the map | 第48页 |
2.4 Hydrogeology condition | 第48-49页 |
2.5 Principle and Key Technology Research | 第49-62页 |
2.5.1 Research principles | 第49-57页 |
2.5.2 Joint monitoring principle of single-point settlement gauge and hydrostatic level | 第57-61页 |
2.5.3 Key technology research | 第61-62页 | Settlement monitoring | 第61-62页 | Compressed measured layer thickness | 第62页 |
2.6 Research case carried out | 第62页 |
2.7 Thickness of the Compression Layer | 第62-64页 |
2.7.1 Overview and points selection | 第62-63页 |
2.7.2 Loading conditions | 第63页 |
2.7.3 Data of Beijing-Shanghai project | 第63页 |
2.7.4 Methods for determining the thickness of compression | 第63-64页 | Stress control method | 第63页 | Strain control method | 第63-64页 |
2.8 Field Study of Compressed Layer Thickness | 第64-67页 |
2.8.1 DK124 worksite equipment layout | 第64页 |
2.8.2 DK152 worksite equipment layout | 第64-67页 |
2.9 Methods of the Settlement Calculation | 第67-73页 |
2.9.1 Settlement calculation by Chinese code (GB 50007-2011) | 第67-68页 |
2.9.2 Settlement calculation by AASHTO code | 第68-70页 |
2.9.3 Settlement calculation by TB 10002.5-2005 code | 第70-72页 |
2.9.4 Settlement calculation by JGJ 94-2008 code | 第72-73页 |
2.10 Methods of Calculation of Vertical Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Single Pile | 第73-76页 |
2.10.1 AASHTO code | 第73-75页 |
2.10.2 Chinese code (CNS,2011) | 第75页 |
2.10.3 Chinese code (TB 10002.5-2005) code | 第75-76页 |
2.11 Theory of Deep Foundation Settlement by Neurofuzzy networks | 第76-83页 |
2.11.1 Introduction | 第76-77页 |
2.11.2 Neurofuzzy systems (NFS) | 第77-80页 |
2.11.3 Neurofuzzy network structure | 第80-81页 |
2.11.4 Neurofuzzy system and supervised learning | 第81-83页 |
CHAPTER 3: Experimental and Theoretical Static Analysis of High-Speed Railway Bridge for Deep Soft Soils | 第83-93页 |
3.1 Introduction | 第83页 |
3.2 Field Test Data Analysis | 第83-89页 |
3.2.1 DK124 worksite | 第83-85页 |
3.2.2 DK152 worksite | 第85-87页 |
3.2.3 Settlement Analysis | 第87-89页 |
3.3 Calculation of Settlement by the Codes | 第89-90页 |
3.3.1 Calculation of settlement by the Chinese code (CNS,2011) | 第89页 |
3.3.2 Calculation of settlement by the AASHTO code | 第89-90页 |
3.3.3 Calculation of settlement by TB 10002.5-2005 code | 第90页 |
3.3.4 Calculation of settlement by JGJ 94-2008 code | 第90页 |
3.4 Discussion of Results | 第90-91页 |
3.5 Summary | 第91-93页 |
Chapter 4 Bridge Pile Foundation Settlement Prediction and Behaviour in Deep Soft Soils | 第93-115页 |
4.1 Introduction | 第93-94页 |
4.2 Problem Statement | 第94页 |
4.3 Settlement Analysis with Neurofuzzy Model | 第94-102页 |
4.3.1 Comparison of Neurofuzzy Model with Hyperbolic Model | 第97-99页 |
4.3.2 Comparison of Neurofuzzy Model with Statistical Mode | 第99-102页 |
4.4 New empirical equation for Compression Modulus Calculation | 第102-107页 |
4.5 Application of the empirical equation in calculation of settlement by codes | 第107-112页 |
4.5.1 Calculation of settlement using the Chinese code (CNS,2011) | 第107-109页 |
4.5.2 Calculation of settlement using TB 10002.5-2005 code | 第109-111页 |
4.5.3 Calculation of settlement using JGJ 94-2008 code | 第111-112页 |
4.6 Discussion of Results | 第112-113页 |
4.7 Summary | 第113-115页 |
CHAPTER 5: Design and Analysis of Bridge Foundation with Different Codes | 第115-124页 |
5.1 Introduction | 第115页 |
5.2 Field Data | 第115-117页 |
5.3 Results and Discussion | 第117-122页 |
5.3.1 Designs results with three codes | 第117-120页 |
5.3.2 Settlement calculation by Chinese code | 第120页 |
5.3.3 Vertical ultimate bearing capacity of single pile | 第120-122页 |
5.4 Advantages and Disadvantages | 第122-123页 |
5.4.1 Advantage and disadvantage of AASHTO code | 第122-123页 | Advantage | 第122-123页 | Disadvantage | 第123页 |
5.4.2 Advantage and disadvantage of (CNS,2011) code | 第123页 | Advantage | 第123页 | Disadvantage | 第123页 |
5.4.3 Advantage and disadvantage of (TB 10002.5-2005) code | 第123页 | Advantage | 第123页 | Disadvantage | 第123页 |
5.5 Summary | 第123-124页 |
CHAPTER 6: Study the Settlement Behavior in the Over-Consolidated Soft Soil for Highway Bridge in Iraq | 第124-133页 |
6.1 Introduction | 第124-126页 |
6.2 Soil Profile of the Project Site | 第126-128页 |
6.3 Underground Water Level | 第128页 |
6.4 Settlement Calculation of the Bridge | 第128-130页 |
6.5 Vertical Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Pile Group | 第130-131页 |
6.6 Modified correction formula of compression modulus | 第131-132页 |
6.7 Summary | 第132页 |
6.8 Acknowledgements | 第132-133页 |
CHAPTER 7: Finite Element Method Using 3D Plaxis Foundation Program | 第133-155页 |
7.1 Introduction | 第133-135页 |
7.2 New empirical Equation for Compression Modulus Estimation | 第135页 |
7.3 Construction Sequence and Calculation Items for the Beijing-Shanghai Project | 第135-147页 |
7.4 Analysis with Plaxis 3D Program for Bridge at DK87+675.78 worksite | 第147-150页 |
7.5 Analysis with Plaxis 2D and 3D Finite Elements Programs for Bridge with Over Consolidated Soil | 第150-151页 |
7.5.1 Discussion of the 2D analysis results | 第150-151页 |
7.5.2 Comparison of the calculated settlement with that in the Plaxis program | 第151页 |
7.5.3 Analysis the model with Plaxis 3D program for finite elements | 第151页 |
7.5.4 The results obtained from the 3D analysis and comparison with 2D numerical analysis | 第151页 |
7.6 Summary | 第151-155页 |
CHAPTER 8: Conclusion and Recommendation | 第155-159页 |
8.1 Main Conclusion | 第155-157页 |
8.2 Recommendations, Future Studies and Directions | 第157-159页 |
REFERENCES | 第159-168页 |
Appendix A: The Neurofuzzy Model for Learning the Data (Chapter Four) | 第172-180页 |
Appendix B: Program Code of the Statistical Regression (Chapter Four) | 第180-182页 |
Appendix C: The Detail Section of Reinforcement According to AASHTO Code (Chapter Five) | 第182-183页 |
Appendix D: The Design Procedure of the Bridge at DK87+675.78 Worksite (Chapter Five) | 第183-218页 |
Appendix E: The Calculation by Excel Program (CNS,2011) (Chapter Five) | 第218页 |