Abstract | 第1-7页 |
摘要 | 第7-12页 |
List of Figures | 第12-14页 |
List of Tables | 第14-15页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第15-20页 |
·Research objective | 第15页 |
·Research background | 第15-16页 |
·Research questions | 第16-17页 |
·Research methodology | 第17-19页 |
·Organizational structure | 第19-20页 |
Chapter Two Literature Review | 第20-53页 |
·Identification of Chinese future auxiliaries | 第20-37页 |
·The defining of Chinese auxiliaries | 第20-24页 |
·The defining of future tense | 第24-27页 |
·Ways of expressing future tense | 第27-37页 |
·Studies on the meaning interpretation of Chinese future auxiliaries | 第37-48页 |
·The polysemous view | 第38-47页 |
·The monosemous view | 第47-48页 |
·Problems of previous interpretations of Chinese future auxiliaries | 第48-51页 |
·One-sided interpretations | 第48-50页 |
·Lack of a holistic analysis | 第50-51页 |
·Lack of a theoretical model | 第51页 |
·Summary | 第51-53页 |
Chapter Three The Default Semantic Model as an Analytic Framework | 第53-86页 |
·The classical Gricean theory of conversational implicature and its defects | 第53-59页 |
·Natural meaning and non-natural meaning | 第53-54页 |
·Grice’s analysis of content of communication | 第54-57页 |
·Defects of the classical Gricean theory | 第57-59页 |
·An introduction to the Default Semantic Model | 第59-69页 |
·What is default meaning? | 第60-61页 |
·What is inferential meaning? | 第61-62页 |
·Post-Gricean models of meaning | 第62-67页 |
·Advantages of Jaszczolt’s Model of Default Semantics | 第67-69页 |
·Interpretation of English future auxiliaries within the Default Semantic Model | 第69-73页 |
·Reinterpretation of modality | 第73-84页 |
·Classification of modality | 第73-76页 |
·Modality vs. intentionality | 第76-79页 |
·Degrees of modality | 第79-81页 |
·Continuity of modality | 第81-84页 |
·Summary | 第84-86页 |
Chapter Four The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface of Chinese Future Auxiliaries within the Default Semantic Model | 第86-158页 |
·Analysis of JIANG within the Default Semantic Model | 第87-103页 |
·Meaning interpretation issues in JIANG | 第87-95页 |
·Modality of JIANG | 第95-100页 |
·Default semantic analysis of JIANG | 第100-103页 |
·Analysis of YAO within the Default Semantic Model | 第103-141页 |
·Meaning interpretation issues in YAO | 第103-111页 |
·Modality of YAO | 第111-119页 |
·Default semantic analysis of YAO | 第119-127页 |
·Meaning interpretation issues in YAO for future time reference | 第127-138页 |
·Default semantic analysis of YAO for future time reference | 第138-141页 |
·Analysis of HUI within the Default Semantic Model | 第141-157页 |
·Meaning interpretation issues in HUI | 第141-147页 |
·Modality of HUI | 第147-154页 |
·Default semantic analysis of HUI | 第154-157页 |
·Summary | 第157-158页 |
Chapter Five Meaning Relations among Chinese Future Auxiliaries within the Default Semantic Model | 第158-189页 |
·Modal meaning relations | 第158-162页 |
·Future meaning relations | 第162-168页 |
·Co-occurrences of JIANG, YAO and HUI | 第168-187页 |
·Auxiliary co-occurrence | 第168-169页 |
·Rules of auxiliary co-occurrence | 第169-173页 |
·Rules of co-occurrence of Chinese future auxiliaries | 第173-187页 |
·Default semantic analysis of co-occurrence meanings | 第187页 |
·Summary | 第187-189页 |
Chapter Six Conclusion | 第189-192页 |
·Main findings of this study | 第189-190页 |
·Significance of this study | 第190-191页 |
·Limitations and future research directions | 第191-192页 |
Bibliography | 第192-203页 |
Acknowledgements | 第203-204页 |
在学期间公开发表论文及著作情况 | 第204页 |