Acknowledgements | 第1-5页 |
Abstract | 第5-7页 |
摘要 | 第7-8页 |
Table of Contents | 第8-10页 |
Chapter One Introduction | 第10-13页 |
·A General Description of the Thesis | 第10页 |
·The Objective and Significane of the Thesis | 第10-11页 |
·The Overall Structure of the Thesis | 第11-13页 |
Chapter Two Literature Review | 第13-22页 |
·Previous Research on Political documents | 第13-15页 |
·Research on Political documents by Domestic Scholars | 第13-14页 |
·Research on Political documents by Overseas Scholars | 第14-15页 |
·Juliane House's Theory of Overt Translation and Covert Translation | 第15-16页 |
·Reiss' Text Typology Theory and the Skopos Theory | 第16-22页 |
·Reiss' Text Typology Theory | 第16-18页 |
·Skopos Theory | 第18-22页 |
Chapter Three Introduction of Political doucments and the Factors Affecting C-ETranslation | 第22-32页 |
·An Introduction of Political documents | 第22-26页 |
·Function | 第22-24页 |
·Classincation | 第24-26页 |
·Factors Affecting C-E Translation of Political documents | 第26-32页 |
·Ideological Factor | 第26-28页 |
·Ideology | 第26页 |
·Infulence of Ideology on C-E Translation of Political Article | 第26-28页 |
·Other Factors | 第28-32页 |
·Linguistic Factor | 第28-29页 |
·Cultural Factor | 第29-32页 |
Chapter Four Analysis of Hu Jintao's Repport at 17th Party Congress | 第32-50页 |
·Introduction of the Report | 第32-39页 |
·Background Knowledge of the Report | 第32页 |
·Features of the Report | 第32-39页 |
·Lexical Features | 第33-36页 |
·Syntactical Features | 第36-38页 |
·Rhetorical Features | 第38-39页 |
·The Text Type of the Report | 第39-40页 |
·Overt and Covert Translation in the Report | 第40-47页 |
·The Principal of Combining Overt and Covert Translation | 第41-42页 |
·Application of the Principal of Combining Overt and Cover Translation | 第42-47页 |
·Analysis at the Linguistic Level | 第47-50页 |
Chapter 5 Conclusion | 第50-52页 |
·Major Findings | 第50-51页 |
·Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies | 第51-52页 |
References | 第52-54页 |