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An Analysis of the Prospect of the Impact of WTO

【高中英语教师论文】Table 1 The Impact of China''s Entry into WTO on the Main Sectors of Manufacturing Industry and the Development Prospect of These Sectors
Category of industry Characteristics of globalization Degree of marketization Degree of market opening Degree of industrial maturity Potential of domestic demand Comparative advantages Impact of WTO accession & medium- and long-term outlook
Food processing and manufacturing 0 0 In general, the short4erm impact is not tangible. In the medium and long nm, this sector has certain development space and potential competitiveness, but has no visible comparative advantage (the sugar-making industry has a visible comparative disadvantage). This sector has certain characteristics of localization. Local production and sales account for a fairly large proportion and the impact of international trade is not great. As most food manufacturi
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