【工商管理调研论文】摘要:长三角都市圈在近几十年中发展迅速,但因地区内产业分工缺乏协调性阻碍了其进一步发展。从古典到现代的分工理论,均证明都市圈内产业分工、同一产业内分工的必要性。从长三角都市圈生产性服务业分工现状和对国际成熟都市圈发展的比较分析中,找出长三角发展的差距和启示,以促进长三角地区经济的进一步协调发展。 关键词:长三角都市圈;生产性服务业;分工 Abstract:Though the Yangtze (River) Delta metropolitan area witnesses its fast development during the past ten years, the problem of the dissonance in the division of producer services has been an essential obstacle for its further development. Both classical approaches to modern division theory have proved the necessity of dividing among industries or within industries in the metropolitan area. The paper aims to find some disparity and beneficial enlightenment by comparing the division situation of the producer services betweenYangtze (River) Delta metropolitan area and global mature metropolitan area, which will bring about a coordinated development for the economy of Yangtze (River) Delta
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