【农业经济管理专业论文】摘要:以“稻之道”为主题,采用隐喻的设计手法融合传统与现代,弘扬以稻作文明为代表的湖湘文化,同时对新时期中国园林博览会主题景观园模式提出探讨性建议。将第六届中国国际园林花卉博览会长沙展园分为湖湘传统稻作文化区、袁隆平杂交水稻科技区和传统——现代渗透区,并根据分区的景观功能要求进行了景点设计。 关键词:风景园林;园博会;景观设计;稻;道 Abstract:The design develop the culture of rice,by"Road of the rice" for subject, using the metaphoricaldesign technique and fusing the tradition and modern times. Divides the Changsha landscape design in the 6thofInternationalgarden &flowers exposition into the traditional rice cultural district of Huxiang , Yuan Longping hybrid rice science and technology area , and the traditional ——modern infiltration area .It hasdesigned the attraction according to the function oflandscape. Key words:Landscape Architechture; ChinaInternational garden &flowersexposition; Landscape of design; rice; Road 1引言 稻,水稻,禾本科植物,人类主要粮食作物;中国农业文明的重要物质载体——稻作文化。道,道路和发展历程;道理道德,一种文化学术思想体系,一种精神与情操。稻之道,以水稻为物质载体