【西药学大专毕业论文】【摘要】 目的 对小鼠早期胚发育全程进行系统的微分干涉差显微观察并制成图谱。 方法 通过体外受精和体内受精方法获得小鼠卵母细胞和早期胚胎,利用倒置微分干涉差显微镜观察排卵前卵母细胞至扩展囊胚的早期胚发育全过程,数码显微摄影系统拍照。 结果 记录排卵前卵母细胞至扩展囊胚的小鼠早期胚发育全过程,制成微分干涉差显微图谱。 结论 微分干涉差显微镜观察卵母细胞和各阶段早期胚,立体感强,对比度适当,可以准确生动地显示微细结构,所形成的图谱可供胚胎培养与操作借鉴。 【关键词】 小鼠; 胚胎发育; 微分干涉差显微术 ABSTRACT: Objective To observe systematically and set up the atlas of the whole developmental process of mouse preimplantation embryonic oocyte with differential interference contrast(DIC) microscopy(DIC). Methods Mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos were derived from in vitro or in vivo fertilization. The full developmental stages from preovulatory oocyte to expanded blastocyst of mouse embryos were observed by inverted DIC microscope, and photos were taken by digital microphotography. Results A DIC atlas of preimplantation embryos in full developmental stages was formed from preovulatory oocyte to expanded