【小学生计算机小论文】[摘 要] 分析了信息化社会给制造业带来的变化, 以及对网络化制造的发展的推动。研究了网络化制造给设备层带来的变化,给出了设备层实现联网的三种类型,特别是通过以太网直接实现数控机床的联网。通过对西门子840D数控系统的联网软件Sincom 的分析,给出了基于Sincom 软件实现基于TCP/IP协议的网络化的方法。 [关键词] 网络化制造;Ethernet;840D数控系统 Abstract:This paper analyzed the impetus of network manufacture development as well as the changes in the manufacturing sector brought about by informationization. And with studies of the changes in equipment sector brought about by network manufacture, this paper put forward three methods to realize networking in equipment sector, especially the direct networking of numerically controlled machine tools through Ethernet. With analysis of Sincom, networking software for Siemens 840D numerical control system, this paper put forward the method to realize networking in compliance with TCP/IP agreement. Key words: network manufacture; ethernet; 840D numerical control system 1