【物流园区论文】【摘要】在追溯交易费用理论及其决定因素的基础上,认为物流联盟是节约交易费用的制度安排,提出物流联盟是为有效利用组织和市场双重优势的一种组织创新的观点,从而揭示了物流联盟的形成机理,为我国开始物流联盟的研究提供了一条思路。 【关键词】物流;物流联盟;交易费用 【中国分类号】F273.7【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-152X(2000)02-0034-03 A Research on Structure of Logistics Alliance TLAN Yu, ZHU Dao-Ii (Management College of Fudan University,Shanghai,200433) Abstract: On the basis of tracing back to the deal cost theory and the decisive , the article considers that logistics alliance is a system arrangement to save deal cost ,then a new idea of orgnization that the purpose of forming logistics alliance is to make effective use of advantage of both orgnization and market has been put forword .Therefore , the structure of logistics alliance is revealed. Key Words: logistics ;logistics alliance ;deal cost 物流联盟是为了达到比单独从事物流活动所取得的更好效果,企业间形成的相互信任、共担风险、共享收益的物流伙伴关系。企业之间不完全采取导致自身利益最大化的行为,也不完全采取导致共同利益