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The value of English Testing

【中学教育教学教研论文】the value of english testingabstracttesting, an approach, is usually presented as a means
of checking mass, of people’s english level in use
out of campus, of both teachers teaching and students
learning. in the 21st century, around the world,
testing is also a means of getting employed, promoted,
and better lived as well. with the development of
economics, culture, politics, social science etc. in
english speaking countries, english becomes a
universal and practical tool of getting various fields
of information. learning english, at present, is not
only a fashion of reflecting whatever, but also an
approach of improving living standard and social
status. therefore, there is no other means to check
the level of people learning of their english, but
testing. in people’s republic of china (prc),
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The Study of the87页硕士论文
A Study of Engli86页硕士论文
A Study of Engli70页硕士论文
Contrastive Anal87页硕士论文
A Study on Trans52页硕士论文
A Corpus-Based S70页硕士论文
The Study of the58页硕士论文
The Study of Pro72页硕士论文
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