【市政给水管工程论文】摘要:采用SBR工艺处理烤鳗废水,经工程竣工监测的结果表明,各项污染物指标达到GB89781996(污水综合排放标准》的一级标准;运行中通过调控曝气量和溶解氧,可实现良好的NH-N去除效果。 关键词:烤鳗废水 废水处理 活性污泥法 厌氧 中图分类号:X792 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-2455(2000)01-0025-02 Abstract: SBR process was used in the treatment of the
wastewater from eel roasting. The results detected at the completion
of the project showed that all figures of various pollutants met the
standard for grade 1 in GB8978-1996《Comprehensive Standard for
Discharge of Wastewater》and that good result of NH3-N removal can be
obtained by con-trolling aeration and dissolved oxygen in the
operation. Keywords: wastewater from eel roasting;
treatment of wastewater; activated sludge process; anaerobic 概述 福建省泰丰冷冻食品有限公司是一家主要生产烤鳗的中外合资企业,生产过程中排放的废水主要含有血液。油脂、鳗鱼内脏碎块和酱油(调味品),可生化性较好。工程采用厌氧调节
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