【##给水排水 论文下载】摘要:对蚌埠市饮用水的生物稳定性进行了研究,发现在管网中,水的色度、浊度和细菌总数有所上升;扫描电镜观察发现在管壁处有多种菌繁殖,菌种鉴定为管壁繁殖的细菌中有两种革兰氏阴性异养杆菌,其中一种是条件致病菌。通过对AOC(可生化有机碳)的测定表明:传统的水处理工艺难以获得生物稳定的饮用水,其出水营养水平较高。 关键词:生物稳定性 AOC An Investigation on the Biological
Stability of the Drinking Water in Benbu City MA
Chong-rong (Bengbu Water Supply Co,Bengbu 233000,China) Abstract:The biological stability of the drinking water
in Bengbu City was investigated.In the pipe network,the color and
turbidity of water and the total amount of bacteria in the water had
increased to some extent.Growth of multiple bacteria on the wall of
the pipelines was found through scaning by electronic microscope.Two
types of Gram-negative heterotrophic bacillus were distinguished
from the bacteria growing on the wall of the p
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